Fans are crazy about the bare-faced Jin in 'In The SOOP'

Without make-up, the face of BTS Jin's eldest brother seems to be more charming!

BTS is in the process of broadcasting a new season of In The SOOP, in which the boys have a healing time in the middle of the forest.

Innocently watching the rain

The most effective way to confirm someone's beauty is to see a bare face. This is exactly what ARMYs are passionate about when watching In The SOOP 2. And Jin, as always, is still a beauty god with a bare face with no dead corners in every frame!

Normally, Jin rarely wears make-up because his skin is perfect even from a close-up. He is often complimented for his natural looks

Bright eyes with natural eyelids, long black lashes, bridge of the nose slide, full pink lips, oval face, thick eyebrows, rosy cheeks and naturally angular face, Jin looks like a god beauty just stepped out of the sponge.

The moment Jin plays the game is driving ARMY crazy. You are the definition of natural beauty when you can shine anywhere.

ARMY loves Jin so much when he's like this:
- It's true that "global handsome" is different. People look for eye strain to find a good face angle, Jin is hard to find a bad angle.
- The naturalness makes Jin look even more attractive with bare face! Seeing this bare face and talking mouth makes me happy all day!
- Imagine waking up in the morning and seeing this face next to you. Oh my gosh, I can't even think about it!

ARMYs come out and look at this mouth that keeps talking!

If everyone is like Jin, cosmetics brands will close all stores, ARMY?

Wow, how beautiful is it!

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